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我们绝不会放弃人类最宝贵的精神——开拓、进取、创新。我们有权选择一种最值得回味的人生来丰富自己眼前的世界。我们要敢于冒险,也善于冒险,敢于承担责任,也善于接受挑战。我们尊重每一个人的人格,也知道平等和宽容意味着和谐与理解,意味着社会发展的最终趋势。我们愿意与人为善,愿意在奉献的同时显示自身存在的价值。我们要把梦想变成现实,把理想化作行动,把失败当作考验,把成功当作激励。 我们要始终如一地追求出类拔萃,避免夸夸其谈,华而不实。我们宁愿对自己毫不留情的剖析,也不愿沾沾自喜,自欺欺人。我们有理由把经营企业当作一种特殊的艺术来追求。在这种环境里,大家不仅要在物质上获得丰收,更应该在精神上获得丰收。所以,我们不但要创建一流的企业,生产一流的产品,更要做一流的公民。我们不会拿自己的人格与世俗做交易,也不会拿自己的尊严去与放弃原则做交易,更不会拿自己的声誉去与不负责任的劣质产品做交易。我们愿做一个正直、坦诚、以心换心的人。不管遇到任何困难和挫折,我们都不会放弃努力,因为我们必须奋斗。这种奋斗不仅是人生最大的快乐,也是我们面对人生别无选择的唯一道路!

 We will never give up the most precious spirit of mankind—exploration, progress, and innovation. We have the right to choose the most memorable life to enrich our world. We must dare to take risks, be adventurous, be bold in our responsibilities, and be good at accepting challenges. We respect the personality of each individual, and we also understand that equality and tolerance mean harmony and understanding, which means the ultimate trend of social development. We are willing to be kind to people and willing to show their own value while giving. We must turn our dreams into reality, turn ideals into action, treat failure as a test, and use success as an incentive. We must consistently strive for excellence, avoid exaggeration and spuriousness. We would rather not analyze our own mercilessly nor be complacent and delude ourselves. We have reason to pursue business enterprises as a special kind of art. In this environment, we must not only achieve a good harvest on the material, but should also have a spiritual harvest. Therefore, we must not only create first-rate enterprises, produce first-rate products, but also be first-class citizens. We will not trade our own personality with the world, nor will we use our dignity to trade with the principle of giving up, nor will we use our reputation to trade with irresponsible and inferior products. We are willing to be honest, frank and heart-changing. No matter what difficulties or setbacks we encounter, we will not give up because we must fight. This struggle is not only the greatest joy in life, but also the only way we have no choice in life.